Can someone evaluate my nlp project?

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Some suggestions:

  • Add a brief intro to this notebook (or a readme file)–I’m not sure what I’m looking at here.

    What to include: What is the data set?, Where did you get it/cite the source?, What are some things you’d like to explore/what are your initial goals here?

  • Use comments to describe what the code you’re writing is doing. It looks like you’re analyzing text messages and trying to find the most common words in the dataset…which is cool, but a little more description goes a long way.

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thank you for your reply i have added comments and readme file ,you can check it and tell me if there something wrong or if i could add any code to it.

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Greatly improved! Now anyone viewing it can follow along & understand the thought processes as you sift through the code. Good work.

I can’t help but wonder….isn’t it kind of concerning that what people consider private conversations via text are part of a public corpus? :grimacing::thinking: I wonder how the data was legally obtained?