Can I please get some feedback on my personal portfolio

Hi Guys,

I recently picked up webdev again. I tried the fullstack engineering path on Code Academy about a year ago and I stoped right before the personal portfolio part.

After a bout a year I decided to pick up web dev again (now 3 weeks ago) and I’m more excited and motivated than ever. I would like to take this into a fulltime career direction, be that freelance or for a company.

Would you mind giving me feedback on my portfolio?

live version:
I would say that I experienced a medium level of difficulty, especially the find index function and the rendering of the modals and the cards.

I’d love some feedback about the JS code and easier ways or better ways to do certain things, aswell as the the UI design of the CSS. I’m not natively a designer, so if you have any tips or resources I could to learn more about design theory I’d love to hear about that.

Kind Regards,

Rico Weeland


Hi Rico,

very nice Portfolio, congrats!

I have noticed two things, that maybe you could rethink…
The logo and nav section is overlapping the text of the “about” section… There are for sure different solutions… Maybe add some top margin or padding by scrolling… And maybe but some semitransparent background behind?

And second thing – if i open the page on small screen, there is same problem with overlapping of the logo and nav plus missing gap between projects and space downstairs…

And maybe footer is missing too.

Bravo for you js solution with the list of objects for project cards!

Good luck and
kind regards