Hi All I want to know, Is Codecademy enough for me to get a job in tech?
I am currently on the Backend career path and I am solving problems on Leetcode, I want to know after I finish my Codecademy path, can I apply for jobs? or what is your advice for me?
No, unfortunately it’s not. Do you have a portfolio of projects or things you’ve built? (other than the ones from CC). Potential employers want to see what you can do and how you problem solve. A certificate or a degree isn’t enough. You want to show, rather than just tell.
Have a look at the posts that are similar to this in this category. There’s a ton of helpful career advice there.
Were I an employer in need of skilled staff, at least 25% of my budget would be devoted to training. Who would I want to train? A bunch of seasoned techs? No. I would want to train the post grads coming through the door. They have the least bias and the most incentive to learn.
Prove a willingness to learn and engage. That does not take a certificate, nor does it take a degree. If you are fit for the task, don’t let anything stop you.