Build your Own Cheatsheet Challenge Project (HTML, CSS)


Here’s what I made,

GitHub: HTML CheatSheet · GitHub

Hi everyone ! greetings from Colombia, this is my first cheat sheet but actually I wasn’t able to modify the borders of my tables and I will really appreciate if anybody can help me out with this issue here is my git hope you like it and can help me

Here is my cheat sheet attempt.

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Hi everyone, my cheatsheet can be viewed here.

Cheat Sheet

Not extensive but quite an attractive solution that I may add to in future.


hello there!

Please see my version of C

Please let me know if you have any questions!


Hi everyone, greetings from Italy! :wave:
This is my cheat sheet : Git Hub
Any feedback is welcome and appreciated.
I hope you enjoy/ find this useful.

Hello everyone here is my html cheatsheet

live: Cheatsheet Live
Git: Cheatsheet HTML / CSS

My attempt at the cheatsheet challenge project:

I went for quite modest colours and the “Bitter” font that I particularly like from Google Fonts.

Hello from the US,
Here is my solution!
It was a fun and fast project, even though I complicated myself using flexboxes and other topics that we have not learnt yet!


Hey everyone! Take a look at my code <3

Thank you :grinning:

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Here is my cheatsheat!
Let me know what you think!

Hello, everyone. Updated the link to the project web page and to the source files.

Hi everyone. This is my first project and cheat sheet for Codecademy. Looking forward to sharing and learning with you all!

A question…can I make the entire column text bold with a single style command without repetitively typing a class=“bold” in each row?

CSS Cheat Sheet (

Took a bit of time to understand github, but this is my work in progress cheat sheet! :smiley: I had fun making it, and any feedback is appreiciated
My Cheat Sheet

Heres is mine! Starting CheatSheet the most difficult part was finding the preview link on github :sweat_smile:

Live view
Repository Link

Please review my project.

Hello everyone! This is my CheatSheet project.

Cheers :muscle: :sunglasses:

Here is the link of my github HTML and CSS cheatsheet: GitHub - Sujana6865/HTML-CSS-CheatSheet: This is my first HTML and CSS Cheatsheet.. Feedbacks are much appreciated.

Here’s my project.

Feedback is appreciated, and encouraged