Build your Own Cheatsheet Challenge Project (HTML, CSS)

Here is my proyect:

Hello everyone! This is my cheat sheet.

Still struggling a bit with the border radius. The table header’s background is overlapping the top of the table rounded corner. Will investigate it. :wink:

Cheers and happy coding!

Hello Everyone! This is my Basic [HTML-CSS-CHEATSHEET](

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Hello! Here is my first HTML & CSS Project.

See it live:



here is my project link,As a beginner i would love to have advices from my seniors to that i can improve my coding. :slight_smile:

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Here’s my cheatsheet, please rate it:

I’ve tried a couple of times now to connect it to GitHub, but I’m struggling on how to do this as I completed the project on Code Academy

Here’s my cheatsheet! Comments welcome :slight_smile:

And a live view on GitHub Pages

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This is very beautiful!

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First go

Completed it on visual studio code and copied it into codecademy

First project since being on Code Academy, probably found the hardest part figuring out git/github :joy:

Github: Cheatsheet

First solo project on Code Academy:

All comments welcome!

Here is my cheat sheet

please leave a comment, thanks guyss

Please review my project and share suggestions…:smiley:

Not as good as some I see but I did learn a lot.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>HTML Cheat Sheet</title>
    <link href="./styles.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">
      <h1>HTML Cheat Sheet</h1>
      <h3>Table Content</h3>
            <th scope="row">Tag</th>
            <th scope="row">Name</th>
            <th scope="row">Description</th>
            <td scope="col" class="code">&lttable&gt</td>
            <td scope="col" class="name">Table</td>
            <td scope="col" class="description">Used contain all tabular data.</td>
            <td scope="col" class="code">&ltthead&gt</td>
            <td scope="col" class="name">Table Heading</td>
            <td scope="col" class="description">Used to add titles to rows & columns.</td>
            <td scope="col" class="code">&lttbody&gt</td>
            <td scope="col" class="name">Table Body</td>
            <td scope="col" class="description">Allows long tables to be sectioned off.</td>
            <td scope="col" class="code">&lttr&gt</td>
            <td scope="col" class="name">Table Row</td>
            <td scope="col" class="description">Used to create table rows.</td>
            <td scope="col" class="code">&lttd&gt</td>
            <td scope="col" class="name">Table Data</td>
            <td scope="col" class="description">Used to add cells to contain data in table.</td>
            <td scope="col" class="code">&lttfoot&gt</td>
            <td scope="col" class="name">Table Footer</td>
            <td scope="col" class="description">Used to section off long table at bottom.</td>

            <th scope="row">Tag</th>
            <th scope="row">Name</th>
            <th scope="row">Description</th>
            <td scope="col" class="code">&ltinput&gt</td>
            <td scope="col" class="name">input</td>
            <td scope="col" class="description">Creates single row for user input.</td>
            <td scope="col" class="code">&lttextarea&gt</td>
            <td scope="col" class="name">textarea</td>
            <td scope="col" class="description">Creates a bigger text field for user input. Can be expanded with rows & columns.</td>
            <td scope="col" class="code">&ltform&gt</td>
            <td scope="col" class="name">form</td>
            <td scope="col" class="description">Resonsible for collecting info to send somewhere else.</td>
            <td scope="col" class="code">&ltdatalist&gt</td>
            <td scope="col" class="name">datalist</td>
            <td scope="col" class="description">Creates text field users can type info & filter options.</td>
            <td scope="col" class="code">&ltlabel&gt</td>
            <td scope="col" class="name">label</td>
            <td scope="col" class="description">For users to properly indentify &ltinput&gt.</td>
       <h3>Semantic HTML</h3>
            <th scope="row">Tag</th>
            <th scope="row">Name</th>
            <th scope="row">Description</th>
            <td scope="col" class="code">&ltheader&gt</td>
            <td scope="col" class="name">Header</td>
            <td scope="col" class="description">Container for either nav links or intro content containing .</td>
            <td scope="col" class="code">&ltnav&gt</td>
            <td scope="col" class="name">Nav</td>
            <td scope="col" class="description">Used to define block of navigation links &#40menues, table of contents&#41 inside of &ltheader&gt.</td>
            <td scope="col" class="code">&ltmain&gt</td>
            <td scope="col" class="name">Main</td>
            <td scope="col" class="description">Used to encapulate dominant content within webpage.</td>
            <td scope="col" class="code">&ltfooter&gt</td>
            <td scope="col" class="name">Footer</td>
            <td scope="col" class="description">Used to contain info such as Contact Info, Copyright, Terms of Use, Site Map, Reference to top of page links.</td>
            <td scope="col" class="code">&ltarticle&gt</td>
            <td scope="col" class="name">Article</td>
            <td scope="col" class="description">Used to hold content such as articles, blogs, magazine etc.</td>
            <td scope="col" class="code">&ltsection&gt</td>
            <td scope="col" class="name">Section</td>
            <td scope="col" class="description">Defines elements in docments like chapters, headings.</td>
            <td scope="col" class="code">&ltaside&gt</td>
            <td scope="col" class="name">Aside</td>
            <td scope="col" class="description">Used mark additional info that can enhance another element but isn't required in order to understand main content.</td>
            <td scope="col" class="code">&ltfigure&gt</td>
            <td scope="col" class="name">Figure</td>
            <td scope="col" class="description">Used to encapsulate media such as image, illustration, diagram, code snippet etc.</td>
            <td scope="col" class="code">&ltfigcaption&gt</td>
            <td scope="col" class="name">Figcaption</td>
            <td scope="col" class="description">Used inside of &ltfigure&gt element to descibe image. Helps group &ltfigure&gt content.</td>
            <td scope="col" class="code">&ltvideon&gt</td>
            <td scope="col" class="name">Video</td>
            <td scope="col" class="description">Used to add videos to website. Some attributes that can alter playback include: controls, autoplay, loop.</td>
            <td scope="col" class="code">&ltembed&gt</td>
            <td scope="col" class="name">Embed</td>
            <td scope="col" class="description">Used to embed any media content &#40videos, audio links, gifs&#41.</td>

table, th, td {border: 1px solid black;

.code {color: white; font-family: monospace; font-weight: bold; background-color: SteelBlue;
.name {background-color: LightSteelBlue;

.description {background-color: LightSteelBlue; 

body {background-color: MintCream; font-family: Arial;

The code :

See it live :

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Hey Guys, the link above should to link to my GitHub, if anyone has trouble accessing let me know (y).
Also, would love some insight on how to make my code better :wink:

Hey Guys,

You can see my Cheatsheet here also. Have fun :slight_smile:

Hello, finally posting this after I figured github out. First Project, probably could have been better but I spent 2 hours on it and could have made it more complex if I wanted to spend more time on it.