Build your Own Cheatsheet Challenge Project (HTML, CSS)


This was a very fun project .
It is not much but its mine.
Please tell me if there is something i should add or if i can make any improvements on the code :smiley:

Github Repo
Live Site


This was a fun little project and I am sure this could be way better.

Github Repo
Live Site

Please check it out if you like I would love to have some feedback or things I could fix/adjust or improve the site or just my approach/design.



I enjoyed this project. I will be adding on as i continue to learn.

Github Repo
Live Site

Very nice and clean…it’s also easy on my eyes :joy:

I don’t have any suggestions

Great job!

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Hi everyone! I’ve really enjoyed watching the different versions you posted :grinning:

Here is mine:

.- CSS Fonts & Colors - GitHub repo;
.- CSS Fonts & Colors - Live version;

See ya!


Nice! I like the color scheme and the shadows

Great job!

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This is my HTML/CSS Cheat Sheet project, please rate.
Cheat Sheet

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Hi this is my first post here. I completed the Cheatsheet project.
Github: GitHub - Nevanxx/CodecademyCheatsheet: Codecademy CheatSheet Project

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Hi everyone, please check out my attempt at a website here:

feedback welcomed :upside_down_face:

Hello This is my project.

Hey there! Just finished my project!

Github: GitHub - cperez2787/cheatsheet: Cheatsheet

Hi!! Here is my repository of my first project from Career Path: Full-Stack Engineer project. :smiley:

Hey everyone, here is my cheatsheet code.
If you happen to go through my code, feel free to let me know if I made any mistakes!

Here is the GIST for my Cheat Sheet: Typography Properties

Hello everyone,

Feel free to take a look at my attempt at the Challenge Project: Build Your Own Cheat Sheet!

Feedback and suggestions are welcomed!


-Ernest H.