Here my apptempt CHeat Sheet Home Page
Any feedback, very much appreciated
I decided against a HTML table cheat sheet. I felt like I needed to better understand how the Position property in CSS works, so I created this site which demonstrates each type of positioning and explains them in my own words.
This is great! it really helped me understand this concepts better
Hi, this is a silly question but how do I view the cheat sheet? I’ve downloaded it and I can see the zip file but I’m not sure how to open it
You have to extract the zip into a folder of your choice. Then you can view the files code in the text editor, and view the website in the web browser.
My attempt at the cheat sheet.
I completed my cheat sheet - nothing fancy. I will save better designs for further down the pathway!
View the code on GitHub
Live Preview
really love the format! simple but effective
It’s amazing how much effort you have put! The site is much beyond what was required. I have one issue- the link to HTML doesn’t seem to work.
Thanks. I appreciate that.
I messed with the Gitpages seetting a bit. Try the link again.
I feel that pain.
Hi everyone!
I’ve seen quite a few of other people’s cheatsheets and I feel like mine’s so different from everyone’s. Nonetheless here they are.
Hello! Wondering how they th elements where made purple in the background??
Hello, here is my project:
Uploaded my first project on GitHub without getting help from anywhere. Before i started my journey of Full-Stack Engineer with @Codecademy i learned HTML, CSS and little bit of JavaScript from the other sources and that helped me a lot in this course and specially in this project. Thank you everyone and Thank you @Codecademy for becoming a great part of my journey!! I hope we will build more awesome projects in the future. Good luck guys!!
Here is my first project on GitHub! I looks up more HTML and CSS references online so the page is a little long. Will probably update to add a navigation menu/links later.