Thanks for showing me the gist. I like the background color scheme you have; I’ll try that approach for my own website. I’ve thought about trying Bootstrap or Material Design but both seemed too complex for my current knowledgebase. For now I’ll just keep things simple like you did. Have a good day.
Okay! I’m proud to present to the world a GitHub Gist of my completed work. The link is below:
I wasn’t able to do any bootstrap or use Google MaterialDesign but was at least interested in them. Materials were difficult to install and use on my computer for some reason. So for time’s sake, I just colored the backgrounds of my elements to make them look better. I hope this works out.
This is my live version of Website Style Guide: Style Guide Live
Here’s how i did it
Here’s my take on the Style Guide
Here is a link to my Website Style Guide via GitHub, I wrote the scripts in visual studio code. I have been coding for less than a month with no prior experience or knowledge in software development. I like to think that my problem solving skills have been sharpening up for the better! Please take a look at the code posted below, I look forward to receiving some tips and pointers! Thank you for your time and this amazing platform!
your style guide came out really well. I see there are some things i can improve on, thank you!
Hi! I built my website style guide without using flexbox, this is my code:
Happy coding!
Here is both my HTML & CSS code for the project! I kept it rather simple, but checks all the boxes!
Check out my website style guide! Let me know what you think!
Hey everyone here’s my website style guide:
I’m probably going to remove the navigation as it doesn’t make sense to me in its current form but as it grows i’ll certainly add it back.
Hello! I have just started to learn how to code for less than 3 months. I will appreciate that if someone can give me some clues for the problem I encountered. Thank you in advance!
Below is the link to my GitHub repository:
I wonder why couldn’t I remove underlines of
I thought the code below should work.
.sourcecodepro p,
.nunitosans p,
.poppins p {
text-decoration: none;
Here’s a very candy-colored looking website
I’m still struggling to find out how GitHub works and how to share links from there, so this link might change over time… Also think my CSS is a bit messy and could do with some clean-up. Happy to receive feedback in order to improve!
Mouse Hover Over Them to see my work. Thank You.
Hello, everybody. This is a direct link to the web page with my project and here is a link to files on Github. I would appreciate any feedback and corrections. Thanks, and have a great coding day!
Hi! Here’s the link to my style guide for my personal portfolio as a grpahic designer. Open to hear your comments! Style Guide A-LeBel Thank you!
the bubbles in the " Favorite Text Styles" section are not in the right place when you resize the browser.