class Media {
constructor(title) {
this._title = title;
this._isCheckedOut = false;
this._ratings = ;
get title () {
return this._title;
get isCheckedOut(){
return this._isCheckedOut;
get ratings(){
return this._ratings;
set isCheckedOut(value) {
this._isCheckedOut = value;
toggleCheckOutStatus () {
this._isCheckedOut = !this._isCheckedOut
getAverageRating () {
let ratingsSum = this.ratings.reduce((currentSum, ratings) => accumulator + ratings, 0);
return ratingsSum / this._ratings.length
addRating(value) {
class Book extends Media {
constructor(author, title, pages) {
super (title)
this._author = author;
this._pages = pages;
get author () {
return this._author
get pages () {
return this._pages
class Movie extends Media {
constructor(title, director, runTime){
this._director = director;
this._runTime = runTime;
get director() {
return this._director
get runTime() {
return this._runTime
const historyOfEverything = new Book(‘Bill Bryson’, ‘A Short History of Nearly Everything’, 544);
historyOfEverything.addRating(4, 5, 5);
Can someone pls explain why I’m not able to get an average rating pls - followed the steps and cant understand why its not working, really confused me lol.