This says invalid syntax. What am I doing wrong?
name = input('Player One, what is your name? ')
name_2 = input('Player Two, what is your name? ')
from random import randint
board = []
for x in range(15):
board.append(["O"] * 15)
def print_board(board):
for row in board:
print(" ".join(row))
print('This is the turn of %s' % (name))
x = int(input('Where do you want your first city (row)? '))
a = int(input('Where do you want your first city (collum)? '))
board[x][a] = 'C'
q = int(input('Where do you want your troops (row)? '))
w = int(input('Where do you want your troops (collum)? '))
board[q][w] = 'T'
print('This is the turn of %s' % (name_2))
x_2 = int(input('Where do you want your first city (row)? '))
a_2 = int(input('Where do you want your first city (collum)? '))
board[x_2][a_2] = 'C'
q_2 = int(input('Where do you want your troops (row)? '))
w_2 = int(input('Where do you want your troops (collum)? '))
board[q_2][w_2] = 'T'
money = 0
profit = 20
city = 10
troops = 5
troops_stuff = 15
for turn in range(15):
print('This is the turn of %s.' % (name))
money = money + profit - city - troops
print('You have %s dollars.' % (money))
buying = input('Would you like to upgrade or buy anything? You can buy new troops and cities! (yes or no) ')
if buying == 'yes':
item = input('What would you like to buy or upgrade? ')
if item == 'upgrade':
objec = input('Would you like to upgrade cities or troops? ')
if objec == 'cities':
city = 5
print('You have upgraded your city! You have %s dollars!' % (money))
ug = True
troops = 4
troops_stuff = 20
if item == 'buy':
new = input('What would you like to buy? (cities or troops) ')
if new == 'cities':
r = int(input('Where would you like to put your city (row)? '))
o = int(input('Where would you like to put your city (col)? '))
board[o][r] = 'C'
f = int(input('Where would you like to put your troops (row)? '))
f_2 = int(input('Where would you like to put your troops (col)? '))
board[f][f_2] = 'T'
mo = input('Would you like to move your troops? If you want to attack, move to a place that is taken. ')
if mo == 'yes':
mov = int(input('Where would you like to move them (row)? '))
mov_2 = int(input('Where would you like to move them (col)? '))
while mo == 'T':
poo = input('Would you like to attack? ')
if poo == 'yes':
print('You are attacking!')
print('Sorry! That position is currently taken.')
no = int(input('Chose another (row) ')
no_2 = int(input('Chose another (col) ')
board[no][no_2] = 'T'
board[q][w] = 'O'
board[q][w] = 'O'
board[mov][mov_2] = 'T'
print("Your turn is over")