Hello! I struggled a lot getting the efficient frontier to calculate outside of the Codecademy workspace, but I finally got it running and below is the link to my project on GitHub:
What would be good ways to introduce various tech stocks? I struggled with trying to give summaries of each one.
Thanks in advance!
Congrats on completing the project.
A few suggestions:
The readme file should just be a brief intro to the dataset and the project. Put the data vizzes in another separate file.
I’d nix the .pptx file. Rather, create a PDF from the pptx presentation and then upload the PDF to your repo so people can view it that way.
It might be better if you had a Jupyter Notebook file, rather than a .py file. That way, anyone reading the presentation in the .ipynb file can follow along/see the output of your code. I realize you have a power point presentation, but the notebook also acts like a presentation.
as for the stock summaries–those exist online. A sentence or two about each would suffice.
Good work!