About the Portfolio Project: U.S. Medical Insurance Costs category

Hi everyone, here is my medical project, I hope you can give me some feedback.

Hello everyone, could you please check my project and give some advices or feedback.

Hello guys!

I finished this Portfolio Project. I would be grateful if You take a look at it and give advice to correct my mistakes and also my git repository because I am not good at it. The project was enjoyable, I want to improve in using pandas

Hello everyone, Iā€™ve recently finished working on the medical insurance project and would love to hear your thoughts and feedback on it. Thank you!

Hello everyone. This is link to my code: Portfolio/Medical_Insurance_Project at 09833543364d6f2369665e1b04d2100ceebffb82 Ā· ReginaLeonova/Portfolio Ā· GitHub
I would really appreciate your reviews and suggestions.

Hi everyone!

I am about to start my first portfolio project.
In the zip file there is a jupyter notebook file called: ā€œus-medical-insurance-costs-checkpointā€
This file is suppose to be blank to? Because there is already a ā€œus-medical-insurance-costsā€ that is a blank file.

Thank you!

Hi everyone,

I just finish my first Portfolio Project from the Data Science: Analytics path (currently 32% done)

I would like some feedback if possibleā€¦ Not only on code but also about the structure of the project.

Here is the link to GitHub:

Thank you in advance!

My git

I had fun creating the functions for numerical analysis and presentation. It was a little challenging to figure out the best approach but the difficulty level was appropriate. In hindsight the code might have been cleaner if I had used an object oriented approach but I ended up doing it functionally.

Hi guys! I did an linear approach to define a model that estimates the insurance charge with the variables of age, bmi, sex, number of children and smoker condition.

Here is my repo in Git - hub if you like to check it out!

Code review and comments are most welcome

Hi there! I just checked your solution.

Wow your approach is completly different, I like it.

My code review would be:

  1. Do you think the analysis tells us valuable insights regarding how the insurance cost is affected by the variables in the dataset? I found the analysis very statitics driven and not so much as a modeled solution.

Here is my approach, any code review is also welcome!


Hello everyone!

Hereā€™s my simple attempt at digesting the data in the insurances.csv file : )
I would really appreciate feedback on

1.) The use of nested loops and if there would be any way to do the same calculations in a simpler way.
2.) What I could do to take the analysis a step deeper with the info available in the Data Science Fundamentals?

Thanks so much for your help!
(Scope & more can be found in the repo)

Portfolio Project: US Medical Insurance Costs


Here is my contribution to the community through this project.
It was nice to get the chance to improve my skills and get a project for my portfolio.

My findings are:

  • men in this dataset smoke more than women:
    • 159 men are smokers
    • 115 women are smokers
  • the Southeast region has registered the higher number of smokers - 91:
    • 36 are women
    • 55 are men
  • the median BMI value for each sex is:
    • male: 36.69
    • female: 30.11
  • the median insurance cost value for each sex is:
    • male: 9369.62
    • female: 9412.96

In the link you can find all the explanations about what i have decided to analyze and why.
Thank you

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hello everyone,
I am Melissa, here is the link to my code for the US Medical Insurance project, which is by the way my first Portfolio on my Python learning journey :slight_smile: . I would be happy to get some feedback if possible.


Greetings for everyone,
This is my first project in Codecademy.
GitHub - U.S. Medical Insurance