About the Portfolio Project: Inspirational Homepage category

Welcome to the subcategory for the Inspirational Homepage Project. This portfolio project can be found in the following courses or paths:

Code Review: Why It’s Important

  • Better code quality – improve internal code quality and maintainability (readability, uniformity, understandability)
  • Finding defects – improve quality regarding external aspects, especially correctness, but also find performance problems, security vulnerabilities, injected malware, etc.
  • Learning/Knowledge transfer – help in transferring knowledge about the codebase, solution approaches, expectations regarding quality, etc; both to the reviewers as well as to the author
  • Increase sense of mutual responsibility – increase a sense of collective code ownership and solidarity
  • Finding better solutions – generate ideas for new and better solutions and ideas that transcend the specific code at hand.
  • Complying to QA guidelines – Code reviews are mandatory in some contexts, e.g., air traffic software

For more on why code reviews are important as well as how to give a code review and ask for one, check out this article.

How to Get Feedback on your Project

Congratulations on finishing your portfolio project! Now you’ll want to follow these steps to get feedback on it.

  1. Post a link to your git repository :slight_smile:
  2. Give us a few sentences about your experience. Was this fun? Difficult? How long did it take?
  3. Check back in—if someone has replied to your post, come see what they have to say.

How to Give Feedback on Another Learner’s Project

Reviewing someone else’s code isn’t just a nice thing to do; it’s also a great opportunity to sharpen your skills by viewing a different perspective.

  1. Refer to the article in your Career Path on How to Review Someone Else’s Code
  2. Click through topics in this subcategory to view other submissions of this project.
  3. Reply to a thread with feedback, encouragement, or letting them know if they did something in a way you hadn’t thought of before!
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Hey fellow coders! Here are the links to my completed project:

Link to deployed web app
Link to GitHub repository

I had a lot of fun making this, and it was probably my favorite Codecademy project so far. It took me a little over a week to complete (putting in a few hours a day.) The most challenging parts were the beginning (figuring out where to start) and the end (had some issues with deployment, especially with the Netlify serverless functions I had to make in order to hide the API keys.) But all in all it went pretty smoothly.

Feedback is welcome!


Hello everyone!

Here is my completed project:

Deployed Website
GitHub Page

It was a great project! Implementing everything that I learned during the course was really a lot of fun!

For those of you who want to go the extra mile:

  • Implement a feature that asks the user for his/her current location.

Hi devs!

Sharing my solution here so maybe is helpful for you. It was a tough and challenging project but I could complete it :smiley: Something to take in account is that I used an Express server to make the requests to the APIs in order to hide my API keys and upload it to Heroku instead of Netlify.

Now I feel more confident with my knowledge in React/Redux so I strongly recommend you to tackle this project! :muscle:

Here the links:

Github repo
Deployed app

Cheers and happy coding! :nerd_face:

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Hi everyone!

I learned a little bit of React awhile back at university. I really did not feel confident in what I learned. I feel a little more confident now in my knowledge in React after taking this course, and it was a plus to learn about Redux. The course was difficult in that I had to rewrite what I learned before, but the process as a whole was very fun since I took my time with it. Below are the links to my repo and the link to the deployed web app.

Web App


Hi everyone!

Here is my completed project:

Deployed Website
GitHub Page

I spent about three weeks doing this project. It was more challenging than I expected but i have learnt so much. I had the greatest difficulty with styling the React components rather than setting up React or Redux.
I actually decided to go with a slightly different look and also use Netlify functions to make the api calls to the three api services. It also helped me hide the api secrets from users.

Feedback is very welcome! Thanks.

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I would really appreciate if someone can give me suggestions on how I can improve my code.
Make the code more effective, more clean or easy to understand.

Thanks! :slightly_smiling_face:

Live Site



Hi everyone!
I have just finished the project:

I spent about 20 days on this project. I decided to use Typescript which made my project a little bit more difficult.

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Hey guys here is the link to my project:
Netlify Live Version

I managed to add the functionality part in a day, since it is react-redux project so i thought to spend less time on css so i used tailwind utility classes to quicken up styling but since i was new to tailwind it did not ended up well with some messy classnames and i am still working on the styling, But happy with the react-redux part, also i have used Redux Toolkit Query for managing async request and the slices associated with it rather than thunks. Feedback and recommendation are requested.

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Congrats. Nice project.

I’ve received the following message at the bottom of the page…


something about loading the quote…

Hi. I liked the config component.

Are the goal’s components missing?

Hi, there is some bug in the quotes component


There is my inspirational-homepage. Any comment will be appreciated.

github repo

live app

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This work is really nice. I love it :heart:

Hi all, this is my version of the inspirational homepage project:

For some reason the suggested Image Api (Unsplash) in the project required me to wait for 5-10 days in “review” before it would let me use it. So I found and implemented a different free one that gave instant access: Called Pexels. Might be useful for others.

I tinkered with the OpenWeather Api to extract and display extra info: Pressure/Humidity. Could probably get a ton more with more time: Wind, precipitation, weather warnings etc.