About the Portfolio Project: E-Commerce Website II category

Hey Everyone,

I definitely agree with everyone’s sentiments that this challenge, well, is challenging.

I will admit that I haven’t done this project exactly to the T of what the requirements are. (This isn’t my first Codecademy path and things like express servers, sql dbs aren’t new to me, I wanted to play with some new things)

I’ve been experimenting with several React frameworks and other technologies and toying around with the idea of making a would-be e-commerce template that uses some of my favorite technologies, specifically: Remix (which uses React router under the hood), Hygraph CMS, Cloudflare pages for deployment, as well as other things like Zustand for local statement management and persistent session management, Firebase for authentication and Stripe for payment authorization.

I opted to make my concept called “Shoppi” and made a galactic themed e-store. It can be found here: https://remix-cloudflare-hygraph-e-commerce.pages.dev (picture for attention)

I think it has all the required bits: login page, sign in page, OAuth flow, user page, logout and account deletion flow, product page, cart and checkout flow, order history, review and leave a review mechanism. I’ve even made a ghetto CRON flow for managing users and cms entries automatically, so that my demo site doesn’t need to be manually maintained.

I’ve spent way more time than I probably should have on this project, but it was fun to learn and is the knowledge I gained will carry over to my coding journey (I hope lol).

Anyways, just sharing with the community, feedback is welcomed. Hope this inspires a few.