I really liked your project. The blog post on Medium was also great. I’d love to do one too.
My only criticism (and this is very, very minor) is that I personally didn’t think the slightly slanted ‘yticks’ in your sns plots added much. Personally, I’d have them horizontal. I liked the coding of the iterations you wrote.
Below is a link to my completed project on the Biodiversity in National Parks. The project took me a total of (3) days to complete, working on and off. It was a fun and challenging project, and helpful in understanding the execution of code.
Hello everyone. My name is Pavlo and I finished the Portfolio Project: Biodiversity in National Parks category. Please, see at my project and give me feedback about that. Thank you.
I enjoyed this project it took me two days to get done, I still have some work to do around my communication as my communication of data isn’t great and my jupyter notebook experience is starting to add up but is still lacking the informative side of things, the analysis was fun and was fun to create graphs and find the results to the questions!!
Here is my project, i felt lack of instructions and i did not feel comfortable looking at solution an trying to replicate, so i did what a really found genuine and spontaneous.
I liked what you did with the subplots, especially in the last part of your analysis, providing a visualization for each conservation status of each species and in each park. Well done
I have been going through the data science path and I just finished the Biodiversity portfolio project. It was very interesting and I was carried on with questions. There is always one more question to pose…
It took me about 6 days working around 1 hour each day roughly. I would appreciate any feedback you can give me on it.
Here is the link to my github:
I am just trying my hand at data analysis for the first time and finished the Biodiversity data analysis project. Here is a link to my github repo
Here is a link to the conclusions and findings.
The highlight of this project would be jupyter notebook. I really enjoyed using this new IDE and must say it was a refreshing change from VSCode
I would appreciate feedback and criticisim on my project.
Hi everyone! I hope this project is going well for everyone
This is my first attempt at this project, github repo as below:
I spent a fair bit of time on this over a few weeks. Maybe an hour or two. A lot of my time was researching the most appropriate graphs and functions to display my findings. I think in future I would spend more time creating a plan of action with detailed requirements of each question i want to answer and how. Some days I felt I was chasing myself down a rabbit hole, rather than attempting to justify my answer to the question, using the data!
There may be some grammatical errors, or repeated functions/queries, apologies is there are and please point them out!
I’ve attached them here for your convenience. If you have some free time, please look and help me figure out more analysis. I appreciate your input and expertise. Thanks a lot.
Thanks for sharing your Jupyter Notebook. I enjoyed looking through it, having just done the project myself.
I think it’s very good: your charts are well-chosen, and your conclusions at the end are valid and succinct. We handled our duplicates slightly differently. Rather than deleting all duplicate scientific_names in Species_info, I only deleted the true duplicates, which left a few rows which could be consolidated before deletion, which meant not losing any information. I was quite happy with that approach, but I’m very new to this, so I’m not saying that’s “right”!
I am about to upload my own, which will be my first time publishing any code online, so I was having a look at which files you included in your git repository. I noticed that you included your checkpoints folder, which I wasn’t expecting to do. Why is that - is it about being transparent about previous saved versions?