Portfolio Project: U.S. Medical Insurance Costs Welcome to the subcategory for the U.S. Medical Insurance Costs Project. This portfolio project can be found in the following courses or paths: Challenge Projects Welcome to the Challenge Projects category and congratulations on completing a project! Portfolio Project: Personal Budget, Part II Welcome to the subcategory for the Personal Budget, Part II Project. This portfolio project can be found in the following courses or paths: Portfolio Project: Personal Budget, Part I Welcome to the subcategory for the Personal Budget, Part I Project. This portfolio project can be found in the following courses or paths: Portfolio Project: Life Expectancy and GDP Welcome to the subcategory for the Life Expectancy and GDP Project. This portfolio project can be found in the following courses or paths: Portfolio Project: E-Commerce Website I Welcome to the subcategory for the E-Commerce Website Project. This portfolio project can be found in the following courses or paths: Portfolio Project: E-Commerce Website II Welcome to the subcategory for the E-Commerce Website II Project. This portfolio project can be found in the following courses or paths: Capstone Projects Welcome to the Capstone Projects subcategory! Share your projects here, give feedback, and ask for feedback. Portfolio Project: Biodiversity in National Parks Welcome to the subcategory for the Biodiversity in National Parks Project. This portfolio project can be found in the following courses or paths: Personal Projects Welcome to the Personal Projects section of the Codecademy forums! Off-platform Practice Projects Welcome to the Off-Platform Practice Projects category and congratulations on completing a project! Portfolio Project: Inspirational Homepage Welcome to the subcategory for the Inspirational Homepage Project. This portfolio project can be found in the following courses or paths: Portfolio Project: Data Analyst Final Portfolio Welcome to the subcategory for the Data Analyst Final Project. This portfolio project can be found in the following courses or paths: Portfolio Project: Data Analyst Interview Prep Welcome to the subcategory for the Data Analyst Interview Preparation Portfolio-Building Project. This portfolio project can be found in the following courses or paths: Portfolio Project: Dining Review API Welcome to the subcategory for the Dining Review API Portfolio Project. This portfolio project can be found in the following courses or paths: Portfolio Project: Personal Portfolio Website Welcome to the subcategory for the Personal Portfolio Website Project. This portfolio project can be found in the following courses or paths: Portfolio Project: Data Scientist Final Welcome to the subcategory for the Data Scientist Final Project. This portfolio project can be found in the following courses or paths: Portfolio Project: OKCupid Date-A-Scientist Welcome to the subcategory for the OKCupid Date-A-Scientist Project. This portfolio project can be found in the following courses or paths: Portfolio Project: Text Message Analysis Welcome to the subcategory for the Text Message Analysis Project. This portfolio project can be found in the following courses or paths: Portfolio Project: Python Terminal Game Welcome to the subcategory for the Python Terminal Game Project. This portfolio project can be found in the following courses or paths: Portfolio Project: Final PERN Project Welcome to the subcategory for the Final PERN Project. This portfolio project can be found in the following courses or paths: Portfolio Project: Recommendation Software Welcome to the subcategory for the Recommendation Software Project. This portfolio project can be found in the following courses or paths: Portfolio Project: Data Visualization Welcome to the subcategory for the Visualization Portfolio Project. This portfolio project can be found in the following courses or paths: Portfolio Project: Django Delights Welcome to the subcategory for the Django Delights Project. This portfolio project can be found in the following courses or paths: Skill Path Projects This space is for sharing all projects completed as part of a Codecademy Skill path. Portfolio Project: Reddit Project Welcome to the subcategory for the Reddit Project. This portfolio project can be found in the following courses or paths: Portfolio Project: Mixed Messages Welcome to the subcategory for the Mixed Messages. This portfolio project can be found in the following courses or paths: Portfolio Project: Computer Architecture Welcome to the subcategory for Computer Architecture. This portfolio project can be found in the following courses or paths: