Please Help with this Python program

I do not think you understand what you are trying to do.

What you have listed.

  • Take a parameter specifying what data type is being passed
  • Takes a second parameter the data to be manipulated
  • Return the reverse of the list
  • Add “ANDELA”, “TIA” and “AFRICA” to a set
  • Return the keys of a dict

Ok so let’s do that then,

def manipulate_data(data_type=None, data=None):
    if data_type is 'list':
        return data[-1:: -1]
    if data_type == 'set':
        return set.union(data, ["ANDELA", "TIA", "AFRICA"])
    if data_type == 'dict':
        return [key for key, item in data.items()]

The above function does what you pointed out that you wanted to accomplish.

If you want to add error checking to this it would be simple,

Code: with error checking

def manipulate_data(data_type=None, data=None):
        if data_type is 'list':
            return data[-1:: -1]
        if data_type == 'set':
            return set.union(data, ["ANDELA", "TIA", "AFRICA"])
        if data_type == 'dict':
            return [key for key, item in data.items()]
            raise TypeError
    except TypeError as e:
        print("\nYou failed to pass the correct data type.\n%s\n" % e)

Or we can do some fancy stuff like this, so we can expand out accepted data types easy as pie.

Code: with ability to easily add data types

def manipulate_data(data_type=None, data=None):
    accepted_data_types = {
        'list': 'data[-1:: -1]',
        'set': 'set.union(data, ["ANDELA", "TIA", "AFRICA"])',
        'dict': '[key for key, item in data.items()]'
        return eval(accepted_data_types['%s' % data_type])
    except KeyError as e:
        print("\nYou failed to pass the correct data type.\n%s\n" % e)

Now we have a function that we can build on easily.

If this is not what you need feel free to add you what you have so that we can provide some assistance.

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